SIPOA General Operations and Maintenance Committee (GOMC) Highlights

The GOMC met on October 12th to review the performance of our structures and systems during the storm of October 2nd‐5th. We came through the storm in great shape, thanks to the work that’s been going on behind the scenes for the past years to keep our systems in top condition! The main points discussed were:

The new berm at Cap’n Sams Creek has been inspected by CS & E; no damage was seen.

The roof leaked at the Oystercatcher Community Center; we will evaluate whether to replace or repair. No other SIPOA buildings were affected.

No undercutting of any bridges has been observed; they will be fully inspected next year. One small section of asphalt on Coon Hollow was damaged and will be patched.

All storm drains and pump stations performed as designed; standing water was off the streets within 48 hours. One stormwater pipe required repair on Crooked Oaks 17. Debris and sand washed into storm drains will be flushed out on schedule, along with the leaf fall, next month.

King tides eroded dirt behind the Crab Dock bulkhead; this will be repaired and riprap added. The Marsh Gate bulkhead appears unaffected; it’s due for repair anyway later this year.

SIPOA needs more flood barriers and will budget for them in 2016.

-Submitted by Guy Gimson, Chair

One thought on “SIPOA General Operations and Maintenance Committee (GOMC) Highlights”

  1. The storm drains backed up so much on Royal Pine, Old Oak Walk and Old Forest Drive that many residents were stranded in their homes for 3 days unable to drive out. All the storm drains in that area flow into the Seabrook Lake system. That lake system overflowed its banks causing the water to back up out of the storm drains, seriously flooding the streets. For example the roadbed on the bridge over the lake on Old Forest was under 18″ of water! The GOMC needs to improve the drainage in that area. One option would be to begin draining the lake system through the weir in advance of a major rainstorm. Also, maybe the drainage flow rate at the weir can be increased.

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