SIPOA Legal Committee Minutes 9/27/16

Seabrook Island Property Owners Association Legal Committee

Minutes of the Legal Committee Meeting
Tuesday September 27, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.

1. The following members were present: Guy Gimson, Brad Reynolds, Sam Reed, Allan Keener and Ed Houff.
2. The following members were not present and were excused: Susan Colatsky, Marsha Papanek and Ellen Coughlin.
3. Heather Paton, SIPOA Executive Director, attended the meeting.
4. No non-committee property owners or other guests were present.
5. A quorum was present. The Agenda (copy attached) was discussed, as follows
a. The Committee discussed the draft proposed budget for the Legal Committee for 2017, and some changes were made. A copy of the document as agreed by the Committee is attached, to be presented to the Finance Committee during the budget presentations on Wednesday September 28.
b. The Committee discussed some of the legal and practical issues relating to the potential use of speed cameras on the Seabrook Island Development. Because the Board has not delegated this issue formally to the Legal Committee, no action was taken, other than to be able to convey the details of the discussion to the Board at the next Executive Session.
c. The Committee discussed the desirability of having internal committee assignments for specific issues, to keep the Committee members apprised of, and potentially to develop some level of familiarity with, issues such as the following: (i) existing and pending legislation, (ii) court decisions; (iii) collections; (iv) billing reviews; (v) coordination with regimes and associations; (vi) interactions with other SIPOA committees (e.g. Environmental, Safety and Security, ARC, GOMC); (vii) drafting and reviewing RFPs; and (vii) legal aspects of emergency preparedness. After discussion, the sense of the Committee was that these issues can be assigned for review within the Committee on an ad hoc basis and that no permanent assignments were warranted. Each Committee member will be alert for these issues and advise the other members of the Committee when such items occur. Moreover, the Board may assign issues to the Committee, which will then be sub-assigned within the Committee as appropriate.
d. There were no specific walk-on items. The Committee members were provided with some recent pending lawsuits in other jurisdictions but no discussion occurred at this point.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Edward Houff
Legal Committee Chair
Note: Copies of Agenda and Budget submission available by emailing Ed Houff at

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