Seabrook Island Beach Boot Camp by Alison – Saturday, October 7

Saturday, October 7
11:00 am
North Beach – Boardwalk 1
Cost: $10 (Preregistration is required)

Ah, Fall is in the air, the extreme heat and humidity are gone…the beach beckons us to come and enjoy all of its beauty while getting a full body workout at the same time.

Seabrook Island Beach Boot Camp by Alison will be geared towards anyone wishing to burn calories, increase lean muscle, increase strength and endurance, regardless of age or fitness ability in a beautiful natural beach environment. It is a cardio focused strength training program geared towards those who wish to tone up, lose weight, increase lean muscle, and/or improve endurance and flexibility, as well gain balanced total body strength while challenging themselves and having fun. The program will be structured to accommodate participants of different skill levels since the exercises are easy to modify.

Women and Men of all ages and fitness levels are encouraged to participate in a workout program where they will be able to experience the energy, motivation, and inspiration necessary to break down personal barriers, plateaus, and limitations while working at their own pace to achieve their personal goals. Passion, Energy, Perseverance can be experienced and enjoyed as Participants are challenged with a dynamic combination of cardio, strength and anaerobic body weight exercises.

Alison believes that fitness is built upon the philosophy of providing fun and dynamic training programs designed to enhance one’s health, wellness (both physical and emotional,) and physique. She thinks a happy body is healthy body, and seeks to make healthy happen every day. The workout is designed in a way that will make our team feel good and successful, not crushed and exhausted, because we exercise because we enjoy it!

Come checkout the Seabrook Island Beach Boot Camp by Alison on Saturday, October 7 at 11:00 am at the North Beach Boardwalk 1.

This semi private Beach Boot Camp is not part of the monthly group fitness schedule at the Lake House. It has a minimum of six to begin and a maximum of ten participants. Registration is required. Please note, there are no drop-ins or refunds.

For more information or to register,

please email Alison at

Submitted by The Lake House

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