Joint Stormwater Drainage Study

SIPOA and the Seabrook Island Club are pleased to announce that they have executed the contract for the joint stormwater drainage study agreed to as part of the agreement reached between SIPOA and the Club in late 2018. The contract has been awarded to Thomas & Hutton who has performed similar projects for Sullivan’s Island, James Island, and many other communities along the coast. Seabrook’s stormwater infrastructure was designed and installed approximately 40 years ago. Over the years, smaller-scale studies have been performed, but this study will provide us with the roadmap for upgrades necessary to carry us through the next decades.

The scope of the drainage study is to develop a detailed model of the complete stormwater system on Seabrook Island, regardless of ownership, to evaluate hydraulic capacity during rain events. The focus is on public infrastructure, not individual properties. The study will also identify areas susceptible to tidal flooding and investigate innovative ways to possibly prevent tidal flooding. The condition of our pump stations, on which we rely during major rain events, is included, as well as possible upgrades to the outfall from the “Finger Lakes” area. Thomas & Hutton will also provide conceptual designs for bank stabilization along our many outfall channels. The project is planned to take 12 months.

The Project Director is Steve Hirsch, Director of Engineering and Facilities Management for SIPOA.

Guy D. Gimson. SIPOA President
Robert C. Nerhood, SIC President