Happy Anniversary Tidelines!

Can you believe that Tidelines has been a part of our Seabrook Island community for six years now? Tidelines was the brainchild of Warren Kimball and Dennis Pescitelli, who gathered a fledgling group of volunteers who hadn’t a clue what a ‘blog’ was and unveiled it at the SIPOA Annual Meeting six years ago.

It’s hard to remember when we didn’t get our morning update on the ‘goings on’ on the Island, in our neighborhood, and even further afield. In the beginning it was a struggle to get Seabrook organizations to send us material or find items of interest to post – – and we set our goal very low – – one post per day. Six years later we struggle to keep the daily posts down because we don’t want to clog up our reader’s inboxes with too many posts. It was also a struggle to get Seabrookers to subscribe to our blog in the beginning. We are pleased to announce that we have recently hit 2002 subscribers of Tidelines, which is great for a community of our size.

The Tidelines Team thanks our readers for the great support and encouragement you have shown these past years.

– The Tidelines Team

Lynn Crane
Mary Fleck
Pat Fox
Sarah Good
Elise Haderer
Lisa Hand
Phyllis Harper
Veronica L’Allier
Cathrine Scully
Rich Siegel