Full Moon Bonfire Sunday, December 19

Full Moon Bonfire
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunset – 5:15 pm
Moonrise – 5:38 pm
High Tide – 8:17 pm
Full Cold Moon

Take a break from the hustle of the holiday season and enjoy a relaxing evening on the beach. Weather forecast is good for a bonfire on the beach with friends and neighbors. We will start the bonfire near sunset and it will need to be out by 10:00. The bonfire will be between Boardwalks 1 and 2. 

To keep things simple, each person brings what you want: food, drinks, chairs and a stick of firewood for a big bonfire. Nothing will be provided but a beautiful beach, a bonfire and, hopefully, a full moon.  

People ask if the bonfire will be held if it’s rainy; the bonfire will be cancelled if it is raining or rain is threatening as few would be comfortable attending.

By terms of the permit, the fire needs to be out no later than 10. The earlier sunset means there will still be plenty of time to enjoy our beautiful beach and the companionship of our friends and neighbors.

Put these dates for the Full Moon Bonfires on your calendar: 

Monday, January 17
Thursday, February 17
Friday, March 18

There’s always plenty of room on the beach for everyone, so invite a friend or bring your house guests. 

How the Full Moon got its name 

Per Old Farmers Almanac (https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-names):

December: Full Cold Moon – This is the month when the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark. Other names are:
• Drift Clearing Moon
• Frost Exploding Trees Moon
• Hoar Frost Moon
• Little Spirit Moon
• Long Night Moon
• Mid-winter Moon
• Moon of the Popping Trees
• Moon When the Deer Shed Their Antlers
• Snow Moon
• Winter Maker Moon

I found another web site (http://newsclipper.hubpages.com/hub/The-Moon-Facts-Trivia-and-Folklore) This site also says the Cherokee Indians called it the Snow Moon and the English Medieval name was the Oak Moon.  

Another web site (https://www.space.com/16830-full-moon-calendar.html) says the Chinese call it Bitter Moon. This site also says: “The December full moon will occur at 04:35 GMT on Sunday, December 19, which converts to 11:35 p.m. EST on Saturday evening. Traditionally known as the Oak Moon, Cold Moon, and Long Nights Moon, it always shines in or near the stars of Gemini. The Ojibwe of the Great Lakes region call the December full moon Manidoo Giizisoons, the “Little Spirit Moon”. For them it is a time of purification and of healing of all Creation. Since it’s opposite the sun on this day of the lunar month, the moon is fully illuminated and rises at sunset and sets at sunrise. Full moons during the winter months reach as high in the sky at midnight as the summer noonday sun, and cast similar shadows.”

-Submitted by Judy Morr