#2: Purchase Supplies

There are several things you should purchase to help you be prepared for a disaster, such as flashlights and batteries, bottled water, and food that doesn’t need to be cooked. You might want tarps to cover damaged sections of your home, if necessary. ACE Hardware on John’s Island carries sand and empty sand bags that you can use to line up against your driveway to help prevent flooding. The Lowes on James Island carries flood bags.  Consider purchasing a portable external battery for your cell phone.

The recommendation is that you have a minimum of three days of food and water for you, your family members and your pets. Most websites recommend a gallon of water per day per person or pet.

Assemble a family emergency kit with the items you may need in an emergency or evacuation. Store these supplies in sturdy, easy-to-carry containers, such as suitcases or covered storage bins. Click here for a link to a more comprehensive list of supplies prepared by the South Carolina Emergency Management Division.

Remember, be prepared; stay safe.

Tidelines Editors

(Image credit: https://stock.adobe.com)