Seabrook Eat Healthy Group Crosses the Bridge

Two days after the Annual Cooper Bridge Run, six toned and pumped SINHG athletes donned their race shirts, non-chafing pants, Nikes, and Salonpas lidocaine gel patches to conquer the Arthur Ravenel Memorial Bridge Walk. We were all that remained of Team Seabrook after famine, disease, and a brutal trip cancellation cut deeply into our ranks. Who knew that river shuttles have a season?

Wind whipped up whitecaps on the Cooper as we boarded the water taxi that would take us from Patriot’s Point closer to our dream. When we docked, looming way in the distance was the bridge. Only one thought crossed our collective minds: ‘Oh no. It’s going to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r just to get to the darn ramp!’ But get there we did. And we made it across, deftly side-stepping joggers, bikes, and baby strollers that came hurtling our way. 15,500 Fitbit steps later we stumbled into the parking lot, tired but more exhilarated than ever before. Two drove home, someone stopped at Costco, but three of us just couldn’t quite yet go back to being, well, ourselves. We piled into our car and headed for Page’s Okra Grill where we tucked into a celebratory lunch of deep-fried chicken livers, fried green tomatoes, okra stew, biscuits, and slaw, all washed down with a chaser of iced tea. What a glorious morning! Now THAT’S a sweet SINHG memory.

Below are two photos: one is a pre-race shot of Team Seabrook on the water taxi (l-r, Bill Scahill, Julie Thogmartin, Janice Scahill, Carol Bane, Charles Russo, and Joyce Lee). The other, a photo of a huge container ship passing under the high point of the bridge—just to prove We Were There!




-Submitted by Carol Bane

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