Boardwalk 8 Closure Scheduled for August

Boardwalk 8 is located immediately across the street from the Seabrook Island Club Island House. Users of this boardwalk know that the stairs to the beach are located in an inter-tidal zone, which means they are located between the high and low tide water elevations. During high tide events, the stairs cannot be used for access to the beach.  Because the base of the stairs is in the inter-tidal zone, the sand level at the base of the stairs fluctuates by as much as 2-3 feet over a 24 hour period. These circumstances result in a beach access point that is inconsistently accessible, and at times even unsafe to use. The General Operations and Maintenance Committee (GOMC) reviewed the conditions at Boardwalk 8 over the summer and made a recommendation to the SIPOA Board to remove the boardwalk stairs. The SIPOA Board approved this recommendation and it is planned that the stairs will be removed in August. The sitting area at the top of the stairs will remain and be accessible to residents, but there will no longer be stairs to access the beach. We appreciate your understanding of this situation and decision.

-Submitted by SIPOA